Enter, the Story

by Lee Cole

(Copyright Lee Cole, 2006)

First comic Previous comic

Enter, the Changelog.
08/11/06- After entirely too long 20051015 has been redone. Added Irregular Webcomic! to the Links section and, though still unfinished, I do have some of the next comic finsihed for preview, viewable Here.

04/11/06- Comic posted, if you didn't notice. Added Legostar Galactica to Links section. Good, science fiction, lego, parody, daily updated stuff.

04/08/06- Comic's drawn, now editing/cleaning it.

04/04/06- Added School Spirit to the Links Section (advance Australia fair!). I should have the next comic drawn and posted sometime or other this ...week. -.-

03/29/06- 2005/10/07 redone, not much altered.

03/26/06- 2005/09/12 redone, more newspaper text viewable, cleaner.

03/24/06- 2005/08/22 redone.

03/21/06- Editing the older comics for larger size, file type, clarity/quality, etc., beginning with 2005/08/24. Michigan schools are holding the MEAP tests this week, so there may not be an actual story update this week.

03/06/06- Added "Count Your Sheep", "Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures", "On the Rocks", and DeviantArt to Links section, salvaged this coding from angelfire tp create changelog.

Wow. Apparently, "Enter, The Story" has had 14 visits and 136 hits this month. While I'm not entirely certain what either of those really are, hopefully it means I'm not the only one here, reading this. Comic news- I have the ideas for the next couple of comics, though have yet to start drawing them. If all goes well and I don't procrastinate (Ha!), February should be the last month to see over a month between updates. Thinking of adding a shoutbox or something or other, sometime or other, along with some other pages, and, depending on reader no., a forum. Though before all of that, need to work on the comics themselves.
Until later -Loe

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